love going to vote. The low tech chaos reminds me that this process is really
all about people.” Desiree Byker Abiri
This morning my polling site
in Brooklyn was crowded and a bit shambolic, but among the hundreds of people
who stood in line, there was an attitude of patient enthusiasm. At one point a young man complained about the
mayhem and the well-appointed businessman standing behind him looked up from
his Blackberry and calmly said, “This is
a privilege. People have sacrificed a
lot so we could do this today.”
The advantages of a
participatory government are easy to get used to, but coming together with
neighbors in a school gymnasium, a firehouse, or a community center is a great
reminder of how lucky we are to have a voice.
And while this communal act feels sort of intimate, we all know that the
world watches American presidential elections with enormous interest. It is to our detriment that we don’t look
beyond our own borders with the same intensity others often study us.
Abena Owusua, a clever young
woman from Accra, Ghana is a first year student at the University of Virginia
who may not be able to vote today, but she has contributed to the conversation
in her own way. Curious and
sophisticated, she has leapt into college and civic life in the United
Abena (whose name actually means "Tuesday") was my student at the
SOS-Herman Gmeiner International College in Ghana. The following comments are
part of a series of questions I recently asked her to answer:

Yes, I had visited the US
before but driving to Charlottesville was nerve-wracking. It’s two hours from
DC and is in the center of Virginia. All I saw while we drove were cornfields
and for a minute my heart sank. But as it turns out, Charlottesville isn’t
rural; rather, it has a really rich history and this is evident in the
architecture and traditions.
At first I was sure I
wouldn’t like it but now I absolutely enjoy walking through the pedestrian mall
on Friday nights! J
Have you been following the Presidential
campaign? Do you have any opinions about
the upcoming election?
Yes, I have been following
the election and have even helped Environment America Action Fund by canvassing
for votes for Obama and Tim Kaine. While Obama is not perfect, he does stand
for some very important issues such as education, civil rights and the
environment which shouldn’t be ignored.
While I think that Romney has
good intentions, I think that his thoughts are a bit misguided sometimes.
Were you always motivated to succeed as a student? If not, who/what inspired you?
I wasn’t always motivated to be successful; my parents used to say that the one thing about me that hadn’t changed from childhood to the age of 18 was that I LOATHED school. That changed when I started college but what really motivates me didn’t occur until this week when I was in a nearby county canvassing for voters pledges for Barack Obama and Tim Kaine; I was in some really rough neighborhoods and it really made me think that I didn’t have all this education at my disposal so I could waste it and resort to the lifestyle of barely getting by.
How does the American political process compare to
Ghana’s system of campaigns and elections?
Well in Ghana, the
competition pretty much lies between the liberal democrats and the social
democrats. In the US it’s broader- Republicans versus the democrats.
It’s certainly more smooth
and peaceful a process in the US; in Ghana we’re just so used to politicians
reigning insults on one another or citizens taking up arms in the political
party’s defense.
In both cases though I
think that political leaders are trying their best to be constructive and build
their countries in the ways that they see fit.
What do you (or would
you) tell Americans about Ghana that they don’t seem to understand?
Not just
Ghanaians but Africans in general: we’ve made it our business to learn as much
about each other and about other countries like the US, the UK etc. that it
surprises some of my friends when I have even the slightest inkling about
another country’s history or some other fact. I think it surprises them that
I’d go out of my way to educate myself so much about something that, ideally,
shouldn’t matter to me,
Why did you choose to come to the US for your
university studies?
I chose the US because of the
benefits of the liberal arts program and because I wanted to be far away from
home. I also wanted to be in an environment where it was okay to be unsure as
to what I want to do and where I’m encouraged to explore every possibility and
every urge.
What do you miss most about Ghana?
The food, the communal life and most importantly my mother.
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